Gold & Silver Squad

The elimination of the BASA National Training Squad in 2017 resulted in Harbour introducing The Gold Squad in 2018. The Gold Squad is available to swimmers 11 and over who have achieved an A time in an event of 100m or longer, or in 2 x 50m ‘s in their respective age groups. We currently have 12 gold squad members based in Bermuda with another 15 -20 members who are at school or university overseas.

To help feed this squad we have approximately 15 swimmers in the silver squad who have achieved a BB time standard in their age group in an event of 100m or longer or in 2 x 50m events. Swimmers who are 10 and under are able to join the silver squad if they achieve an A time in any event.

Swimmers in the silver squad are offered an additional two morning sessions to enhance their training. Swimmers in the gold squad are offered an additional three morning sessions as well as an extra evening practice as agreed by the swimmers coach. Gym and land training are also built into the training program.

Members of the gold squad will have sessions available for approximately 11 months of the year They will also typically have an overseas training trip and swim meet during their October school break. Our supplementary performance program includes goal setting, log book completion and additional communication between swimmers, parents and coaches.

Participation in the gold squad requires a high level of commitment from both swimmers and parents in order for the swimmers to realize the maximum benefit, as they work toward and attain their goals. The additional training sessions offered are designed to challenge swimmers both physically and mentally. One hundred percent effort, focus and attendance from all participants are essential in order to achieve success.

Since its introduction our swimmers have excelled and achieved fantastic results at Carifta, CCCAN, Pan Am Games, CAC Games and World Championships. 

The elimination of the BASA National Training Squad in 2017 resulted in Harbour introducing The Gold Squad in September 2018. The senior Gold Squad is available to those swimmers who have achieved an A time in an event 100m or longer, or 2 x 50’s in their respective age group. We currently have 9 members of the Gold Squad. To help feed this squad we have 20 swimmers in the silver squad who will be promoted to the full squad when they achieve an A time. In addition to slightly modified current Club training sessions, swimmers who participate are required to attend three additional morning sessions, training camps and international meets that are agreed for the season. Our supplementary performance program includes goal setting, log book completion and additional communication between swimmers, parents and coaches.

Participation in the Gold Squad requires a high level of commitment from both swimmers and parents in order for the swimmers to realize the maximum benefit as they work toward and attain their goals. The training sessions offered through the Gold Squad are designed to challenge swimmers both physically and mentally. One hundred percent effort, focus and attendance from all participants is essential in order to achieve individual swimmer and the program’s success.

Since its introduction our swimmers have excelled and achieved fantastic results at CARIFTA, CISC and CCCAN.